Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Thalgo reveals iMetric skin analysis device

Thalgo has developed a face and body analytical wireless tool to help spas recommend treatments and products for clients.

The iMetric skin device has three sensors - a bioimpedance sensor measures hydration levels and an infrared sensor determines the grade of cellulite by measuring the temperature of the skin in various cellulite prone areas.

It also has a piston sensor, which measures firmness by ‘sucking up’ the skin and then releasing it and measuring how quickly it springs back.

The device has two HD cameras to screen the skin.

In 10 minutes, the device provides 10 skin analyses, including evenness; pigmentation; texture and radiance.

Measurements are analysed by a microprocessor, giving the therapist readings to recommend the most appropriate treatments and skincare products for the client.

The device stores the measurements to show improvements in the skin and body at later skin tests following treatment and product use.

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